Nature does not give any other species on the earth as many opportunities as it gives to man for his existence - AMMA

Never bow down to Fear ! Never give in to Despair! Never let go of hope! - AMMA

One who is always happy and enjoys every moment can live life to the fullest. - AMMA

There is no greater Dharma than Humanity. - AMMA

Spirituality guides one to unite with nature. - AMMA

Only when you realize the inner self will you be able to understand the life around you and enjoy it. - AMMA


Sadhguru Sri Vani Matha - The Divine Mother

Behind this universe there is a divine force that is the source of everything that exists. A Sadhguru is the one who experiences this ultimate reality and lives in communion with that divinity every moment such that there exists only one thing that is divinity. The real marvel is when that divinity takes on the form of a Mother to guide us on this highest path of truth and that marvel is Sadguru Sri Vani Matha whom we dearly call as AMMA- The Divine Mother.

AMMA- the light of a new beginning:

AMMA’s teachings are very distinguished owing to their simplicity, yet unique and very powerful. These invaluable teachings show the path of righteous living and lead a way to grow from the basic human instinct to human nature and then towards humanity and finally to rise above humanity to the state of divinity.
AMMA lays more emphasis on introspection. “One should always observe oneself , their actions, their thoughts, everything. ” This is the renewed direction in spirituality that AMMA guides us. AMMA gives complete freedom to the disciples at the same time instills how to sensibly use the freedom upholding the responsibility that comes along with it. By walking on this path, life itself becomes the sadhana. there will be no two entities called spiritual and material life. It may appear so for the outer world or even for us but there will be only one that is spiritual life.

AMMA and the Satsang - teachings and blessing to disciples:

Every Thursday and Sunday, disciples gather online or at Gurusthan to listen to AMMA’s discourses or message of wisdom. As the flowing river roundens the rough boulders on its way, such is the force of the divine discourses of AMMA which provide peace and guidance in our life.

AMMA and SVAS Meditation - the beacon for the new age:

We are on the verge of a time of great changes on earth and in this critical time we need a path to revive peace and the supreme energy within us. That path is SVAS Meditation.
AMMA devised this unique , one-of-a-kind meditation process called SVAS Meditation that can be practiced by anyone and everyone to bring back humankind on the path of oneness.This magnificent kriya helps each individual to think correctly and act wisely , to observe oneself and to accept others, to excel in their personal life and to progress in the spiritual path.

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